Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that was used in abundance before the 1980s in the mass production of building and construction materials due to its insulation properties. Asbestos is fire proof, heat proof, chemical proof, and had a way of hindering electrical conduction which makes it perfect for the creation of materials in the use of building and constructing houses and buildings such as roofing, sidings, shingles, boards, wall tiles, floor tiles, ceiling tiles, and the like. It was also widely used in the automotive industry for friction items such as transmission pads, clutches, brake pads and more. Other industries found ways to use this cheap and effective material as well.

However, studies conducted in the 1980s revealed that asbestos was actually a rather problematic material as it posed a great threat to the human body in instances of prolonged exposure. What happens is that the materials with asbestos fibers, when they deteriorate, break off tiny particles of asbestos fibers, causing them to become launched into the air. As soon as these asbestos particles are launched into the air, they then pose a risk to the human body as they may be inhaled and lodged in the lungs.

Once the asbestos particles are lodged in the lungs, it causes irreparable damage as it can stay there for a very long period of time. It could cause scarring in the lungs, as well as lead to severe problems such as mesothelioma, lung cancer, and cases of difficulty in breathing. The risk is also intensified with continued exposure over a prolonged period of time.

To truly rid oneself of the threats of asbestos exposure, one should make sure all materials surrounding them within the home is free of the dreaded material. Testing for asbestos in Austin may be the one thing keeping you from suffering from asbestos related health problems. There are professional asbestos testing laboratories you may get in touch with to confirm the presence of asbestos in your surroundings. They will have to collect samples of course, and will notify you of the results as soon as possible. If no asbestos is found, then you can rest easy. IF they do find asbestos though, hold off on dealing with it by yourself, and get in touch with professionals to do it for you. Remember, any disturbance of the asbestos fibers and you risk exposing yourself as well. Best leave it to a professional asbestos abatement firm.

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